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Pia Shlomo 
Author, Holistic Life Coach 
Founder of Yogatopia &
The Yoga-Reverse Method ™

"The conditions of your mind create the reality you inhabit"

Did you know you possess the power to instantly create the life of your dreams? 

This is what my yoga practice does for me.   The connection of mind, body and spirit is the key that unlocks your natural born superpowers.   That means instead of a lifetime of grasping for what is just beyond your reach you use what precious  time you have to reach your highest potential .

click here to learn how  


Life is about the journey. Not the destination.

Hi there. I'm so happy you are here to get to know me.  As a passionate hiker, I have learned the view from the mountain top, while magnificent, is only temporary. It's the journey along the moutainside that drives a sensational experience. When I discovered yoga as my true passion, the power of comprehending my life's purpose was unleashed. Yoga is the discovery of one's true-est self; An un-ending, unchanging sense of belonging within a world where it feels so easy to lose your place. This illuminated for me an otherwise dark path to fulfillment through meaning, love, joy, success, connection, and purpose. I have devoted my life to learning, living & teaching these tools. I desire to be the person for so many others whom I needed as a young girl and then a young, unprepared adult and mother.   

I discovered yoga 20 years ago when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. Every time I finished a prenatal practice, it felt like I drank a whole bottle of wine. During pregnancy, this was quite a treat. I became hooked for life. 

A graduate of Boston University's famed School of Communications with a degree in Marketing and Public Relations, I did a short stint in the corporate world as the marketing director of a healthcare finance company. I ultimately put that career on hold to stay home and raise my children. In 2008 I became certified to teach children's yoga at Karma Kids Yoga in Manhattan. With my growing passion for the yogic lifestyle, in 2014, I became certified as an ERTY200 at the world renowned Integral Yoga Institute. 

 Over the years, my practice has evolved along with me into a lifelong study. I'm obsessed with what makes this human experience the best possible one it can be, not just for me, but for everyone. There are secrets of the universe waiting for each one of us to tease them out. With these secrets I have learned how to accelerate past the moments I'm not who I want to be and transform into the best version of myself to rise to any occasion. I've also learned almost everyone faces this same challenge. However, not everyone knows how to fuse thought and action to get to the top of the mountain.  

Enter the Yogatopia model for living as your true and best self in a life you love. 

I cherish my work with all populations, from toddler age through seniors. I am especially captivated by my work with children of all ages. Scroll down to read about the origins of the unique Yogatopia KIDS approach and curriculum.

I have spent a lifetime studying mastery of the tools necessary to help you weather so many of the scrapes, bumps, and bruises you get climbing up the mountain. I can even help you defeat some of the mountain lions you'll encounter on your journey. And when you inevitably trip over a rock you didn't see, I promise it can be so much easier to get up and keep going. 

 The ups and downs on the winding journey of life are happening FOR you, not TO you. When you know how to navigate your own journey, you will always be able to reach the next mountain top with the magnificent view.  



"It's easier to raise a healthy child than to fix a broken man" - Stephen Ritz

As a stay at home mother of three back in 2008 I was acutely aware of what a blessing it was to be home with my children. I was also acutely itching to do something meaningful outside my home but hated the thought of being away from my kids.  Enter Children's Yoga Teacher training. At the time it was the perect option to bridge the gap between wanting to work and still being able to revolve my world around my young children. Over time I evolved from teaching after school activities to being able to bring my unique learning opportunity in to classrooms during the school day and implementing yoga programs in schools and camps for all ages.  As I became entrenched in my children's' education and the need to understand each ones individual learning style I was simultaneously getting to understand a multitude of learning styles.  Through yoga, mindfulness & life skills lessons I discovered ways to connect meaningfully  with children of all different ages on all different levels among the thousands of children I've worked with over the years.  I am empassioned by thier innate ability to understand the mind/body connnection and the beauty of infiltraing their education with a model that allows for nothing less than their best image of themselves.

Thus ensued the development of the proprietary Yogatopia curriculum and methodology.  It is based on child psychology, the best components of various educational theories along with a compassionate approach to each individual child's developing world view. 

The Yoga-Reverse Method ™  

I created The Yoga-Reverse Method ™ to help busy moms and women put systems and strategies in place to beat brain fog, banish stress and trade aches and pains for a body you love.    The Yoga-Reverse Method ™ is an  East meets West fusion of yoga, cardio, mindset, action strategies &  and plant based nutrition.

Click here to book a discovery call today

 including a FREE 15 minute laser coaching session.  

Yogatopia Kids

 Play your way to Power Program ™ 

I designed this program to empower children & adolescents with life skills  that will  help them build self esteem, make fitness fun, and learn how to manage stress.  Sessions combine yoga and life skills coaching  with fun exercises, games, tools and strategies that your child will understand. Private sessions and group programs help children manage anxiety and depression, develop an age appropriate fitness practice and  learn how to soothe themselves from daily stress.   

Click here to learn more 

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